Although unhappy circumstances in your life might have led you to file for bankruptcy, your life post-bankruptcy can be much better. You will be able to have a fresh start after all is said and done. Don’t look at it as the end of the world; read this article to help you determine how your life will be enhanced by bankruptcy.
Always be honest with the information you give about your finances. You might feel tempted to not declare certain assets in your bankruptcy in order to protect them from forfeiture, but if you’re found out, the process could take longer, or worse, you might be banned from filing for bankruptcy completely.
It’s not uncommon to learn soon after bankruptcy that you are unable to get an unsecured credit card easily. In this event, you should attempt to apply for a secured card or two. By doing this, you will be letting people know that you want to fix your credit score. Then, in time, it may be possible for you to obtain an unsecured credit card.
See if there is an alternative you can use before declaring bankruptcy. If your debts are really not overwhelming, you may find the assistance you need by consulting a consumer credit counselor. It is also possible to do your own debt negotiations; however, be sure to get everything in writing.
Be sure you have no other choice but to seek bankruptcy. You may find consolidating your debt may be simpler. Bankruptcy cases are long, anxiety-filled experiences. Your credit will be impacted for many years. You have to make certain that you absolutely have no other choice.
Loved Ones
Spend time with friends and family to keep your stress levels to a minimum through the bankruptcy filing process. The process of bankruptcy can prove particularly brutal. It takes a long time, it can be stressful, and people feel unworthy, guilty and ashamed. It is not uncommon for a person to feel the need to pull away from loved ones during the process. Washing yourself in self-pity will only make the situation worse and can leave you feeling very depressed. It’s crucial to spend time with loved ones despite your present financial situation.
Refrain from feeling shameful about your bankruptcy. Often, with bankruptcy, come feelings of guilt, shame and worthlessness. Feeling like this will not help your situation and can actually do serious damage to your mental well-being. Keep a positive state of mind to deal with your tough financial situation.
Don’t wait until the last minute to file bankruptcy. What a lot of people do is ignore the fact that they are in a financial crisis and think that their debt is not going to catch up to them. Personal debts can spiral out of control very quickly, and if you don’t take care of them, you may find yourself facing foreclosure or wage garnishment. Once you are aware that your financial situation is not manageable any more, your best bet is to speak with a bankruptcy attorney and find out what he or she recommends.
Make sure that you disclose every bit of financial information on your bankruptcy petition. If you forget any items, your filing could be rejected. No sum is too small to be included; err on the side of caution and include everything. This can include side jobs, any vehicles to be counted as assets, and any loans you may currently have.
Before you file make sure that you are not doing anything to bring yourself in debt any more. Don’t go on a spending spree or increase your debt right before you file. Filing bankruptcy should be your first sign that the way you’re living isn’t any good. Now’s the time to get your finances in order so that you can pull your credit out of the gutter. What responsible behavior will ultimately demonstrate is that you’re on the right path. The longer you’re able to show this, the more seriously you’ll be taken by creditors.
List any debt you have. The list will be a fundamental element of your bankruptcy petition, and therefore it is important not to omit anything. Be 100% certain that the amounts you are claiming as being owed are true and correct. Don’t be careless about this step, as discharge depends on submitting the correct numbers to the court.
All your debts must be listed on your bankruptcy petition, regardless of whether or not you want them to be. Any debts that you leave off of your paperwork will be left out of the final discharge. You must ensure that all essential data is recorded in order to guarantee that every debt is included in your discharge.
Don’t lie when you file for bankruptcy, even if you situation is pretty dire. Lying about assets and debts is something you really should not do at all. Not only will it affect your filing, it is illegal. You could go to prison for lying on a bankruptcy petition.
Chapter 13
You can either qualify for a Homestead Exemption to Chapter 7 or you should file for Chapter 13 to secure your home. Sometimes the best thing to do is completely convert your Chapter 7 bankruptcy case to a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. You’ll need to discuss this with your lawyer.
If you are hiring a lawyer, be sure to choose one who has experience with bankruptcy. There are a plethora of law firms that you could work with. The inexpensive lawyers will probably fail in the knowledge department. Avoid the temptation to jump on board.
If tax time is coming and you are afraid of what you owe, bankruptcy is not the option. Some people think they can claim bankruptcy after charging the taxes owed on their credit card. They think that they can turn a tax debt into an ordinary consumer debt, which is discharageable in bankruptcy. However, bankruptcy laws already forbid this, leaving you stuck with both the taxes owed and the credit card interest that accrues.
As you read in the beginning of this article, bankruptcy is not something anyone looks forward to. However, once this chapter is written it is done and you can begin to start fresh. Using the advice you have found here, bankruptcy can be the beginning of a new, exciting chapter in your life!