There are few financial decisions more momentous than determining whether or not it is time for a bankruptcy filing. It is important that you understand everything involved in filing bankruptcy. The tips and advice you will learn in this article will show you the proper direction to take. No matter what tough decisions you have to deal with, you can do it!
It’s important that you understand what bankruptcy is and how it will change your life before you attempt to file a claim. The United States Department of Justice and American Bankruptcy Institute are two such places to look. Knowing is half the battle, after all, and these websites are the first step in learning what you need to know to make your bankruptcy smooth and stress-free.
If you suspect that bankruptcy filing may be a reality, don’t try to discharge all your debt in advance by emptying your retirement or saving accounts. Leave your retirement accounts untouched unless there is absolutely no other alternative. If you do have to dig into your savings, make sure that you leave enough to sustain you and your family for a couple of months.
Brush up on the latest bankruptcy regulations before you decide whether or not to file. Bankruptcy law evolves constantly, and it’s important to stay up-to-date to ensure that you file properly. Your state will have a website to check, or a number you can call, to learn the latest changes in the bankruptcy laws.
Take the time to find a simpler solution to your financial issues, before filing for bankruptcy. For example, you may want to consider a credit counseling plan if you have small debts. Also, if you just contact your creditors and speak to them plainly and truthfully, the odds are good that you can negotiate a better payment structure that you can afford.
It’s a good idea to meet with a number of bankruptcy lawyers before settling upon one. The majority of them offer free initial consultations. Be certain to speak with an attorney, not their paralegal or law clerk, since they cannot give legal advice. Look for a lawyer who you can relate to.
It is important to protect your home when filing bankruptcy. You don’t have to lose your home just because you are filing for bankruptcy. For instance, if your home value has dropped recently, or even if you happen to hold a second mortgage, you may not necessarily lose the home. You could also check out the homestead exemption. This lets you continue living in your house, depending on whether you meet certain financial requirements.
Understand the differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Research both types of bankruptcy online, and weigh the positives and negatives each would offer you. If anything you see is unclear or doesn’t make sense, go over it again with your attorney before making the final filing decision.
Don’t file bankruptcy if you can afford to pay your debts. The cost to your credit history far outweighs the simplicity of the easy-out bankruptcy. This is a hard pill to swallow for many.
It is important to look at your financial situation from all possible angles before you decide to file for bankruptcy. Talk with a bankruptcy lawyer and ask about alternatives, such as debt consolidation or negotiating with creditors. If foreclosure looms, think about getting your loan plan modified. The lender wants their money, so they may be willing to forgive some fees, change the loan term or reduce interest as ways of assisting you. Creditors want their money. Often, they are willing to work out repayment plans with you in order to get it.
Speak with an attorney about any fears you have about losing your car. You may even be able to get your monthly payment reduced. A lot of the time, your payments may be lowered due to Chapter 7 bankruptcy. But, your car has to have been bought at least 910 days before you file. Also, it must come from a high interest loan and you have to have been consistently working.
If you filed for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you can still get a mortgage or a car loan. There are extra hoops to jump through. You will have to see your trustee and the approval for this new loan. Draw up a budget, demonstrating that you can afford the new loan payment. You also have to prepare yourself to explain the reasons you need to buy the item.
Debt Collectors
Know your rights when filing for bankruptcy. Don’t take a debt collectors word for it simply because they tell you that you can’t have many or all of your debts erased by bankruptcy. There are few debts that can’t be discharged. If any debt collectors tell you that their debts can’t be bankrupted, make a report with your state attorney general.
Clearly, when it comes to filing for personal bankruptcy, there are many options. Don’t stress about the amount of information before you. Take a few minutes to turn the information over in your mind and see how it might be useful to you. That way, you stand a better chance of making a wise decision.