Debt can really make a mess of a person’s financial life. You may come to a point where you feel you are in over your head and you have run out of options. The good thing is, there are programs out there such as debt consolidation along with the article you just read that can guide you along in this process.
Check your credit report. The first thing you have to do to get your credit into shape is figure out what got you in your situation. This helps you avoid making the same mistakes again.
Debt Consolidation Company
Never go with a debt consolidation company just because they claim non-profit status. Though it may surprise you, non-profit is not necessarily indicative of quality. Be sure to check out the BBB online to find reviews and ratings of any debt consolidation company you are considering.
Just contacting your creditors often opens doors to lowering your monthly payments. Most creditors will find a way to help their debtors pay off their balance. Note that some creditors, such as credit card companies, may lower minimum payments but will also prevent you from incurring more debt till your account is paid off.
Look for a debt consolidation loan that offers a low rate that is fixed. If the rate is not fixed, you may not know how much you’ll need to pay monthly. Try to find a loan that will benefit you throughout the entire time that you have the loan.
Lump Sum
Use a loan to repay all outstanding debts, then contact your creditors to see if they will negotiate a settlement. Creditors often knock off a large percentage of the debt in order to receive a lump sum payment. A lump sum settlement can increase your credit while lowering your overall debt.
Understand that debt consolidation loans have no impact on your credit. In effect, with debt consolidation, you will be paying off your debt at lower interest rates and there are only a few cases where your credit rating would be impacted. This can be a powerful tool if you follow the plan carefully.
You may be able to pay off your high interest credit cards by drawing some money from your 401K or retirement fund. This should be done only if you know you can pay the money back into your retirement fund. You have to pay taxes and fees for a penalty if this doesn’t occur.
If you’re looking into debt consolidation, you’ll need to carefully determine which debts need to be consolidated. If you have zero interest on something right now, then consolidating that loan onto a card with any interest rate higher doesn’t make sense. Consult with your lender or creditor to help you make wiser financial choices.
After consolidating your debts, only use cash to pay for your expenses. If you don’t start using cash, you could find yourself in trouble again with even more credit problems. This can result in breaking a bad credit habit. Paying in cash will ensure you don’t incur debt.
Offers Individualized Payment
Find out if your debt consolidation offers individualized payment programs. Everyone has a different ability to pay and companies who don’t offer customization may not be right for you. Instead, find a company that offers individualized payment plans. While these can sometimes be a bit more expensive to start with, the long term savings are worth the initial investment.
Find out about the privacy policy. Know what kinds of sensitive information they keep on file and how it is protected. Determine whether or not they encrypt your files. If it isn’t, then this means that people may be able to steal some of your information if the system were to be compromised somehow.
Make sure you can get in touch with the debt consolidation company when you need to. Even if you already have an agreement, there may be some things you need to have answered. Always stay informed and ensure that your company is delivering good customer service.
After you identify all creditors, get contact information and debt details for all of them. What you owe, what the due date is, interest rates and how much you pay each month should be included in this list. This will help you when you are comparing your current debt to any loans you are offered.
Refinancing your home mortgage to get cash to pay off your debts is often an alternative to a debt consolidation program. The money you save on your mortgage payment should be used to cover your most outstanding debt. As part of a long-term plan to attack your debt, this may be more effective than an ordinary consolidation.
Debt Consolidation
Read carefully over your contract for a debt consolidation company. You don’t want to be surprised by hidden fees later on. The goal of debt consolidation is to lessen your financial burden, not make it worse through excessive fees.
When you want to erase your debt, consolidation may be the answer. Understand the problem that you face and tackle it immediately. Use the tips from this article to get started.