If you have been threatened by repossession of your possessions, it is time to think about filing for bankruptcy. Put your finances in order and file for bankruptcy if this is your only option to get out of debt. To make your way through filing for bankruptcy smoothly, follow the tips presented in this article.
Be certain you are making the right choice before you file for bankruptcy. You can also avail yourself of other options, such as consumer credit counseling. Your credit record will be harmed by a bankruptcy filing, and therefore prior to making such a decision, it is wise to investigate other options in order to minimize the damage you suffer.
You must be absolutely honest when filing for personal bankruptcy. If you try to hide any of your information, it will eventually surface and cause you problems. Good or bad, you must tell your bankruptcy attorney everything about your financial situation. Keeping secrets or trying to outsmart everyone is not a wise move.
It is imperative that you retain an experienced attorney if you are planning to file bankruptcy. Having a lawyer on your side is the best way to avoid mistakes and bad decisions. A personal bankruptcy lawyer will be able to help you and ensure you are doing things the proper way.
Chapter 13
You could see about filing for Chapter 13 personal bankruptcy. If you owe an amount under $250,000 and have a consistent income source, Chapter 13 may be right for you. This type of bankruptcy protects your assets from seizure and lets you repay your credits over the course of a few years. This plan normally lasts from three to five years, in which you’ll be discharged from unsecured debt. However, if you were to miss a payment, the court would dismiss your case right away.
Always make your loved ones a priority. The bankruptcy process can be brutal. It takes a long time, it can be stressful, and people feel unworthy, guilty and ashamed. It is not uncommon for a person to feel the need to pull away from loved ones during the process. But, isolating yourself from others could bring out more depression. It’s crucial to spend time with loved ones despite your present financial situation.
Before declaring bankruptcy, see if there’s anything less drastic you can do to repair your credit. Before filing, talk with an attorney who can help you weigh all of your options. Look into loan modification plans if you need to deal with an imminent foreclosure. The lender is able to help you in a number of ways, such as reducing interest rates, eliminating late charges, and even lengthening the loan, giving you more time to pay. After all is said and done, your creditors will still want their money. For this reason, you may wish to investigate debt repayment programs in lieu of bankruptcy programs.
Talk with your lawyer about getting lower payments for any car you wish to keep. Often, you can negotiate a lower payment through bankruptcy. Here are the qualifications in regards to your vehicle: you must have bought it nine hundred and ten days or more before filing for personal bankruptcy; your loan must carry high interest; your work history must be steady and solid.
Know the rights that you have as you file for bankruptcy. Bill collectors can try to scare you into believing that your debt will not be cleared. Most states allow for the majority of debt to be included on a bankruptcy. If you are told differently by a collector, research the information yourself. If you find they are in error, get the name of their company, phone number and any identifying info so you can report it to the attorney general in your area.
Don’t wait till it’s too late to file for bankruptcy. Some folks ignore financial difficulties for a long time, and this can be disastrous. If you have failed to make payments for several months but have continued making purchases on credit, your petition may be denied. The minute you realize that your debts are too big to take care of, contact a bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options.
Do your homework so you thoroughly understand the laws pertaining to bankruptcy before you file. For example, it is forbidden for an individual to transfer any assets away from the name of the filer within the twelve months preceding filing. Also, it is illegal to load up your credit cards with debt right before filing occurs.
Make a comprehensive list of all of your financial information before you file for bankruptcy. Failing to list these could cause the dismissal or delay of your bankruptcy petition. You might think something is insignificant, but you should add it anyway. Anything, like a job on the side, assets, like cars, and any outstanding loans should be included.
While personal bankruptcy can always be an option, don’t do it before looking at other options. Keep in mind that many scam debt-consolidation services have sprung up since the increase in bankruptcies, so do your homework before choosing one. Take what you’ve just learned to heart, and make wise financial decisions going forward.