There are quite a number of people who have been affected by the economy, and now find themselves buried in debt. Threats come from collection agencies and other creditors while the bills just keep piling up. If this situation sounds familiar, you may decide to consider filing personal bankruptcy. Read the following paragraphs to decide if this path is one that you should take.
Make certain that you comprehend everything regarding personal bankruptcy by studying online. You can learn a lot on the U.S. Department of Justice and American Bankruptcy Institute are both sites that provide free advice. The more knowledge you have, the more you are able to make right decisions and find a new future.
Do not try to get clever by paying your taxes via credit card before you declare bankruptcy in an effort to dodge your tax burden. Credit card debt is handled charge by charge during bankruptcy, and in most states, tax debt cannot be discharged through bankruptcy. Remember that if you can discharge the tax you can discharge the debt. So it does not help you to put the tax bill on your charge card if you know the debt will be discharged anyway.
Secured Card
Be aware that getting unsecured credit is going to be tough once you’ve gone through bankruptcy. If this is so, apply for a secured card or two. Using a secured card not only helps to rebuild your credit, but it also keeps you from going more in debt with credit card bills. After using a secured card for a certain amount of time, you might be offered an unsecured card once again.
If you are meeting with a lawyer to discuss bankruptcy, the initial consultation should be free so ask every question you have. Most attorneys offer free initial consultations, and you should take advantage of the chance to interview multiple practitioners. Choose to file only if your lawyer has convinced you that this is the best decision. You don’t need to decide what to do right away. After your consultations, do some additional research on each attorney you consider qualified for the job.
Many bankruptcy lawyers offer free consultations, so go to several before choosing one. Ensure that your meeting is actually with the attorney, not with a paralegal or an assistant. People in these positions are unable to offer legal advice. Hiring a lawyer could help you become comfortable with the legal things that you will encounter.
There are differences between Chapter 13 bankruptcy and Chapter 7; be sure to familiarize yourself with both. Spend time researching the advantages and disadvantages of filing for each one of these. If you do not understand what you are reading, talk to your attorney before making that serious decision.
Before you file for bankruptcy, make sure you understand your rights. Do not rely on your debtors information about whether or not certain loans can be included in your bankruptcy. Only a small number of debts are not dischargeable, including student loans and child support obligations. If a bill collector attempts to say their bill cannot be discharged, look it up. If they are wrong, report them.
Be sure you’re acting when the time is right. In bankruptcy filing, timing is quite important. Sometimes, it is good to file immediately, but sometimes it is smarter to wait until you have passed through the worst of things. Consult with an attorney who specializes in bankruptcy so you know when it is a good time to file.
Forget about detrimental terms, such as shame, when you are filing for personal bankruptcy. Bankruptcy can sometimes leave people feeling guilty, ashamed and alone. Feelings such as these are not of value to you and it is possible for them to be psychologically harmful. The best way of dealing with bankruptcy is to keep a positive attitude during this time of financial upset.
After reading this article, you now know that there are many options available and possibilities to consider when filing for bankruptcy. Don’t let the situation overwhelm you. Look at bankruptcy as a way to begin again.