Having bad credit can really hold you back from the things that you need in life. A poor credit rating limits your credit options and reduces the amount of choice you have in the marketplace. You can fix your credit and be better off. The tips provided here will help you repair your credit.
When you have a good credit rating, you will be able to easily get a mortgage loan. You will get a better credit score by paying your mortgage payment on time. Owning a home provides financial stability which is backed by your asset, the home, and as such, results in great credit. This will be very helpful if the time comes where you need to take out a loan.
In order to make sure that you do not overpay, know that you can dispute your really high interest rates. In many situations, exorbitant fees and penalties can be challenged. Remember you agreed to pay any interest that accrued over the life of the account. Should you sue any creditors, it is important to push the fact that the interest rates are outrageously high.
You need to carefully scrutinize credit counselors before you consult them for help with repairing your credit. Some counselors truly want to help you, while others are untrustworthy and have other motives. Other programs, while they sound good, are complete and total scams. Consumers should always check to see if a credit counselor is not a scam before deciding to use them.
Don’t get involved in anything that could get you arrested. There are less than honest entities that will show you how to make a brand new credit file. You will be prosecuted, it is against the law. Legal repercussions will cost you a lot of money, and you could go to jail.
Credit Score
Before you agree on an agreement for settling your debt settlement, you should determine what affect this will have on your credit score. Some agreements won’t hurt you as much as others. This is why you should research all of the available ones for you before signing an agreement. The creditor does not care what happens to your credit score, as long as they get their money.
Take the necessary steps to fix any mistakes that you see on your credit reports by filing an official dispute. Create a dispute letter for agencies that have the error, and submit additional supporting documents along with it. Always send your dispute letters certified mail, so that you can get return confirmation. This will give you proof that the agency received your dispute paperwork.
Shut off all but one credit card if you want to fix your credit. You can make arrangements to pay the balances, or transfer the balances of your closed credit card accounts to your single remaining credit card. Instead of paying several smaller credit card bills, you can work to pay off one credit card.
Examine your credit card charges monthly to ensure they are correct. If there are late fees, you have to make sure that you take care of them immediately with the company so that they don’t send that information to the credit bureaus.
You should get all terms and conditions in writing if you choose to deal with a creditor. This way you have documentation of the agreement in case the creditor decides to change their mind or ownership of the company changes. When you pay it off, send a written copy of proof of payment to all three credit reporting agencies.
This is to keep your credit in good standing. Every time you pay late it is put on your credit report and will hurt you if you ever need a loan taken out.
Build opportunities in your life by fixing your credit history. When it comes to fixing your credit, you do have options, many of which will not cost you anything. Apply what you have learned from this article, and begin your journey toward better credit.