Bankruptcy is a decision that should be considered carefully before undertaking. Go over the advice in the following paragraphs to get an idea of what you’re in for, and to learn what you should know before you decide whether or not to file. Try to learn everything you can before making any decisions.
Filing for bankruptcy is something many people are forced to do when there debts become too much of a burden, and they can no longer afford to pay them. If this is your case, you should do some research about bankruptcy laws in your state. Most states differ in their laws governing bankruptcy. Some states may protect you home, and some may not. You should be familiar with the laws for your state before filing for bankruptcy.
Be certain to gain a thorough understanding of personal bankruptcy by using online resources. The United States Some valuable resources include the U.S. Dept of Justice and American Bankruptcy Institute. The greater your body of knowledge, the better prepared you will be to make the decision of whether or not to file and to make certain that if you do file, the process is a smooth one.
Don’t use credit cards to pay your taxes if you’re going to file bankruptcy. In some places the debt can not be discharged, and you may still need to pay the IRS afterward. Generally speaking, debt incurred to pay taxes and the tax bills themselves are treated the same in a bankruptcy. There isn’t any reason to use a credit card to pay the tax bill since the bill can be discharged anyway.
Credit History
Ask yourself if filing for bankruptcy is truly your best option. You can also avail yourself of other options, such as consumer credit counseling. Since your credit history will forever note the bankruptcy, you want to make sure that you have tried everything else before you take an action such as this, in order to minimize the effect it will have with regard to your credit history.
Always be honest when filling out paperwork. Withholding or lying about certain information can seriously worsen your financial situation. It could lead to being unable to file for bankruptcy or even legal trouble.
After filing for bankruptcy, you may have difficulty getting approved for unsecured credit. If this happens, instead you should turn your attention to secured credit cards. You can exhibit your desire to rebuild your credit this way. After a time, you are going to be able to have unsecured credit cards too.
Keep with what you have decided to do. You may be able to regain property like electronics, jewelry, or a car if they’ve been repossessed by filing for bankruptcy. If it has been 90 days or less between the repossession of your property and your filing, you might be able to get your property back. Consult with a lawyer that can walk you through the filing process.
Be sure to enlist the help of a lawyer if you’re going to be filing for bankruptcy. You might not understand all of the various aspects to filing for bankruptcy. A qualified bankruptcy attorney will guide you through the steps and help you do everything properly.
It is possible to obtain new vehicle and home loans while a Chapter 13 case remains active. Of course, it’s difficult. Before you can take out a new loan, you will have to clear it with your trustee. It is important to make a budget and prove that you are able to afford the payment. You will always have to let them know why this item needs to be purchased.
Before you file for bankruptcy, make sure you understand your rights. Bill collectors will lie to you and say you can’t have their bill discharged. There are only three main classes of debts that are non-dischargable: taxes, child support and student loans. If a debt collector tells you this false information, seek the advice of your bankruptcy attorney. You may also want to report the bill collector to the attorney general’s office.
Chose the proper moment to make your move. Timing is very important when it comes to personal bankruptcy filings. Sometimes you may want to wait to file and in other situations you may find it better to do it as soon as you can. Speak with a bankruptcy lawyer about when the best time is to file for your specific needs.
Don’t let shame consume you during the bankruptcy process. Going through the filing process often brings out the worst in people, causing them to feel a variety of negative emotions. These are useless emotions, however, and can be harmful to your mental state. A good way to deal with bankruptcy is to make sure that you keep a stiff upper lip.
As you can see from the above article, bankruptcy doesn’t just happen. Many steps must be taken, and they must be completed properly. By taking what you have learned here and applying it, the process of bankruptcy will be much smoother.