If the IRS or your other creditors are on to you about the money you owe, you should consider filing for bankruptcy. Filing for bankruptcy will ruin your credit score, but it might be the only way of getting out of debt. Keep reading to gain a better understanding of the bankruptcy process and of the ramifications of initiating a filing.
Don’t look at bankruptcy as a first step. Look at all the other options you may have first. You can find services like counseling for credit that consumers can use. Before you take the drastic move of filling for bankruptcy and living with a long lasting bad credit history, make sure to consider using another way that may not be as damaging to your credit.
It should go without saying, but refrain from lying in your bankruptcy filings. Remember that if you hide your valuable assets or income from your bankruptcy trustee, you may risk a number of penalties and complications. Among these is the possibility that you could be blocked from ever filing again.
When looking for a lawyer to handle your bankruptcy claim, the best way to go is off of a personal recommendation instead of simply flipping through the phone book. Some companies just want to take advantage of you, so it is important that you have help from someone you trust.
If you are planning to file for bankruptcy, be sure to learn what types of assets you will be able to keep and which can be seized. Certain assets, as listed in the local bankruptcy regulations, are immune from seizure during bankruptcy. Many belongings may become eligible for repossession or seizure after filing for bankruptcy. If you do not read this list, you could be in for some nasty surprises in the future, if some of your most prized possessions are seized.
Keep at it! You may be able to regain property like electronics, jewelry, or a car if they’ve been repossessed by filing for bankruptcy. If the property you own has been repossessed under 90 days before the bankruptcy filing, you may still be able to get it back. Discuss your options with a good lawyer who can help you with the filing of your bankruptcy petition.
Never pay to have a consultation with a lawyer, and ask a lot of questions. The majority of lawyers offer their first consult at no cost, so ensure you meet with several to find one that you like. Choose an attorney who is experienced, educated and well-versed in bankruptcy laws. It is not necessary to decide immediately after your consultation. You can take as much time as you need to meet with different lawyers.
Personal Bankruptcy
Be sure to hire an attorney before you embark upon filing for personal bankruptcy. It is difficult to make all of the necessary decisions yourself, and expert guidance will be helpful. A personal bankruptcy lawyer will be able to help you and ensure you are doing things the proper way.
Before declaring bankruptcy, be sure you’ve weighed other options. Those with smaller debts may find use in a program for consumer credit counseling. It is also possible to do your own debt negotiations; however, be sure to get everything in writing.
Filing for bankruptcy should not be done on a whim. You can get your interest rates reduced or enter into a debt repayment plan. Before you file bankruptcy, ask your attorney if any of these are viable alternatives for you. If foreclosure looms, think about getting your loan plan modified. Sometimes your lender will work with you to help pay off your debt by giving you a lower interest rate, forgiving late fees, or extending the time period of your loan. When all is said and done the creditors just want their money, and more often than not will work with you on a repayment plan.
As mentioned earlier, filing a personal bankruptcy is an ever-present alternative. Given that fact, it should be your last resort due to the consequences involved. By constantly improving your knowledge, you can easily know how to save stress and prevent yourself from losing everything.