If you are considering filing for bankruptcy, your life probably hasn’t been so great recently, but that doesn’t mean things can’t improve once you file. The main purpose is to give yourself a fresh, new start in life. The following article will give you advice to help make process of filing go smoothly.
If you’re going to file bankruptcy, you need an attorney. You might not understand all of the various aspects to filing for bankruptcy. An attorney that specializes in personal bankruptcy, can help guide you and make sure that your filing happens properly.
Familiarize yourself with the bankruptcy code before you file. Bankruptcy laws constantly change and it’s crucial you know about them so you the process of filing for bankruptcy goes smoothly. To learn about any changes, search the Internet or contact your state’s legislative office.
Think carefully about your different options before filing for bankruptcy. For example, if your debt is small, try a type of consumer counseling program. You may have the ability to negotiate much lower payments, just be sure any debt modifications you agree to are written and that you have a copy.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Remember to understand the differences between Chapter 7 bankruptcy and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. All debt will be eliminated with Chapter 7. Any ties that you have with creditors will be dissolved. If you file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, however, you will enter into a 60 month repayment plan before your debts are completely dissolved. Look into both types of bankruptcy before deciding which one would suit your particular needs.
Determine if bankruptcy is necessary. You might be better off consolidating your debt or availing yourself of some other remedy. Bankruptcy cases are long, anxiety-filled experiences. It will also harm your ability to secure credit in years to come. You have to make certain that you absolutely have no other choice.
Spend time with friends and family to keep your stress levels to a minimum through the bankruptcy filing process. The process for bankruptcy can be brutal. It is long, stressful and makes people feel like losers. Many people tend to hide until their process is completed. However, becoming a hermit will only increase feelings of self-doubt and could make you depressed. For this reason, if you are undergoing personal bankruptcy proceedings, you must continue to live a normal life, spending time with your friends and relations.
File when the time is right. When it comes to filing for personal bankruptcy, timing is everything. There are situations in which it is in your best interest to file immediately, but other times it is advisable to wait. Speak with a bankruptcy lawyer about when the best time is to file for your specific needs.
Before you make the final decision to file bankruptcy, consider the other options you have. You may want to consider credit counseling. Various non-profit companies are out there to give you assistance. They can negotiate with each of your creditors to work out payments that you can afford, along with reduced interest rates. Payments are then made to the creditor via the counseling service.
Watch how debts are paid off prior to filing. Bankruptcy laws generally don’t cover situations which occurred within a short time frame prior to filing, such as the previous 90 days worth of credit card debt. Before making any final decision concerning your finances, you should be educated on the rules of bankruptcy.
As mentioned earlier, the events that drive anyone to declaring financial bankruptcy are not a happy story. However, once this chapter is written it is done and you can begin to start fresh. Using the advice you have found here, bankruptcy can be the beginning of a new, exciting chapter in your life!