If your debts have skyrocketed out of control and you are considering filing for personal bankruptcy, worry no more. By simply searching online and doing a little research you can possibly avoid filing for bankruptcy. If you are ready to consider alternatives to a bankruptcy filing, the advice presented here may help.
Regarding Bankruptcy
Filing for bankruptcy is something many people are forced to do when there debts become too much of a burden, and they can no longer afford to pay them. Study the laws in you state to learn what you need to do and what your options are. Each state has its own set of rules regarding bankruptcy. Your home is safe in some states, but in others it’s not. It is best to become familiar with your state’s laws regarding bankruptcy before you take the steps to file.
Think through your decision to file for bankruptcy carefully before going ahead with it. It is possible to take advantage of other options, like consumer credit counseling. Before you take the drastic move of filling for bankruptcy and living with a long lasting bad credit history, make sure to consider using another way that may not be as damaging to your credit.
It is important to remind your lawyer of any details that may be important to your case. Many times a lawyer may forget a key detail; therefore, it is important to remind your lawyer of any key information. Speak up, because it is your future on the line.
If you are planning to file for bankruptcy, be sure to learn what types of assets you will be able to keep and which can be seized. The federal statutes covering bankruptcy can tell you exactly which assets are exempt from forfeiture to pay off creditors. You need to compare this list to the assets you own so that you are not surprised when certain assets are seized. You may find yourself unpleasantly surprised when the things you value the most are taken from you without warning. This is why it is very important the familiarize yourself with this list.
You should be able to meet with a specialized lawyer for free to ask your questions. Most lawyers provide a consultation for free, so consult with many of them before picking which one you want to hire. Only choose a lawyer if you feel like your questions were answered. You need not decide right away. You have lots of time for consulting with other lawyers.
Seek a less serious option prior to filing for bankruptcy. If your debts are really not overwhelming, you may find the assistance you need by consulting a consumer credit counselor. You may also find success in negotiating lower payment arrangements yourself, but be certain to get any arrangements with creditors in writing.
Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
Be certain that you can differentiate between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your debts are all eliminated. This type of bankruptcy ends any relationship you might have with creditors. Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows for a five year repayment plan to eliminate all your debts. You must know about the different bankruptcy types, and how each can affect you.
Consider filing for Chapter 13 bankruptcy. If you posses a regular source when it comes to income, and you have less than $250,000 of unsecured debt, you could file using Chapter 13 bankruptcy. When you file for Chapter 13, you can use the debt consolidation plan to repay your debts, while retaining your real estate and your personal property. This repayment period usually lasts from three to five years. If you make your payments faithfully during that time, any remaining unsecured debt will be eliminated. However, if you were to miss a payment, the court would dismiss your case right away.
While going through this process, spend more time with friends and family. Bankruptcy can take a toll on you. It is long, stressful and makes people feel like losers. A lot of people become depressed and withdrawn until their bankruptcy is discharged. However, you will only feel worse about what has happened, which may lead you into depression. This is the reason that you need to take the time out to spend time with everyone you love despite what your financial situation is.
If you devise a plan, then you can make the situation much better. It’s best to take as much time as possible. Remember to keep working towards your goal of avoiding bankruptcy. Now is the time to begin making plans for the future.