Offers for student loans can start arriving in your mail even before you graduate high school. You might think this is a terrific thing. It is important to learn all you can before taking on a mountain of debt.
Do know that you are probably going to have a post-graduation grace period from your student loans before you are required to start making payments back. In order words, find out about when payments are due once you have graduated. Having this information will help you avoid late payments and penalties.
If you can pay off any loans before they are due, pay off the ones with the highest interest first. You may owe more money if you don’t prioritize.
Know how much time your grace period is between graduating and when you need to start paying back loans. For Stafford loans, it should give you about six months. For Perkins loans, you have nine months. The amount you are allowed will vary between lenders. Make sure you know how long those grace periods are, and never pay late.
Student Loans
Make sure that you specify a payment option that applies to your situation. The majority of student loans have ten year periods for loan repayment. If this doesn’t work for you, you may have other options. For instance, you can stretch the payment period over a longer period of time, but you will be charged higher interest. It may also be possible for you to dedicate a portion of your salary to loan repayment once you have a regular paycheck coming in. A lot of student loans will be forgiven after you’ve let twenty five years go by.
Reduce the principal when you pay off the biggest loans first. When you owe less principal, it means that your interest amount owed will be less, too. It is a good idea to pay down the biggest loans first. Once it is gone, you can focus on smaller loans. If you make at least the minimum payment on all loans and large payments on the biggest loan, your student loan balances will disappear.
You can stretch your dollars further for your student loans if you make it a point to take the most credit hours as you can each semester. If you sign up for more course credits each semester you can graduate a lot quicker, which in the end will save you a lot of money. This will assist you minimizing your loan amounts.
Some people sign the paperwork for a student loan without clearly understanding everything involved. It’s essential that you inquire about anything that you don’t understand. There are unscrupulous lenders who will take advantage of the unwary.
Stafford Loans
The Perkins and Stafford loans are the most helpful federal loans. These are both safe and affordable. They are a great deal because the government pays the interest on them during the entirety of your education. The Perkins loan has an interest rate of five percent. The Stafford loans are a bit higher but, no greater than 7%.
One type of student loan that is available to parents and graduate students is the PLUS loans. Their interest rate does not exceed 8.5%. Although it is higher than Perkins and Stafford Loans, you still get a much better rate than one that is private. This loan option is better for more established students.
Keep in mind that the school may have reasons of its own for suggesting you use certain lenders. Certain schools let private lenders use the name of the school. This can mislead you sometimes. Your school may already have a deal going with a particular lender. Know all about a loan prior to agreeing to it.
Do not consider the idea that a default on your student loan will give you freedom from your debt. The government has many ways to get the money. The federal government can take your Social Security payments or take your tax refunds if money is owed. The government may also try to take up around 15 percent of the income you make. Generally speaking, you will be far worse off.
Be careful with private loans. Finding exact terms is difficult. Frequently, you are not aware of them until after executing the loan. At this point, it may be very difficult to extricate yourself. Learn all you can beforehand. If a lender gives you a good offer, see if another lender will match it or do even do better.
Never depend totally on a loan to pay for your schooling. Look into getting a scholarship or grant and explore other ways you can save money. There are a number of good scholarship matching websites that can help you locate just the right grants and scholarships to suit your needs. You should begin your search early as funds go quickly.
Be sure to double check all forms that you fill out. This is critical because the information you provide directly affects the amount of money you are offered in loans. If you think that you’re making any kind of a mistake, get into touch with your school’s financial aid representative.
Make sure the lender always has your updated contact information. This is important because you may have questions down the line. Also, you can get great advice from your lender.
College comes with many decisions, but few are as important as the debt that you accrue. Borrowing large amounts of money at high interest rates can lead to big problems. Keep these tips in mind when going to college.