A lot of folks in modern times are deep in debt. If you are in this situation and do not take take action, things will only get worse as collection agencies try getting their money. If you find yourself in this type of financial trouble, you may want to think about filing for bankruptcy. Keep reading to see if this is a viable solution for you.
Do some research online about personal bankruptcy to get a better idea of what this procedure implies. Many sites, including the U.S. The Department of Justice is just one resource of information available to you. As with everything in life, the more you know about filing a claim, the better off you’ll be. You can properly prepare when you know what you’re preparing for.
Don’t pay tax requirements with your credit cards with the thought of starting the bankruptcy process afterward, without doing your research first. Most places will not consider the debt dischargeable, meaning you will have to pay the IRS a lot of money. If the tax has the ability to be eliminated, the debt can be too. Thus, it doesn’t make sense to use a credit card when it is going to be discharged when you file for bankruptcy.
Personal Bankruptcy
Consider all options before deciding to file for personal bankruptcy. Look into other options, such as consumer credit counseling. Be sure to consider all options before filing for personal bankruptcy, as this will take a large toll on your credit score for the next ten years.
Be sure to remind your lawyer if it seems that some details of your situation are forgotten. Inaccurate or incomplete information can lead to your petition being denied. Remember that you’re the boss. You’re paying your lawyer, so you should not be afraid to have your say. After all, the quality of your life hangs in the balance.
Don’t give up. You can often have property returned to you. Autos, jewelry and even electronics that have been repossessed, could be returned. You may be able to get your property back if fewer than 90 days have passed between the repossession and are filing for bankruptcy. Talk with an attorney who can guide you through the process of filing a petition.
Brush up on the latest bankruptcy regulations before you decide whether or not to file. The laws change a lot, so you need to look them up and have a better idea of how to properly approach the bankruptcy process. If you are not sure about the current laws all you have to do is look into what laws have been passed.
Seek a less serious option prior to filing for bankruptcy. Those with smaller debts may find use in a program for consumer credit counseling. You might also be able to negotiate lower payments yourself, but make sure that you get written records of any debt modifications to which you agree.
Chapter 13
Make sure that you understand the difference between Chapter 13 bankruptcy and Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Every one of your debts will be gone if you decide to go with Chapter 7. This type of bankruptcy ends any relationship you might have with creditors. On the other hand, filing for bankruptcy under Chapter 13 means you will have 60 months to pay your debts back. Take the time to learn more about these different options so you can make the best decision possible.
Consider if Chapter 13 bankruptcy is an option. You are probably eligible for Chapter 13 if your income is consistent and your unsecured debt is under $250,000. You can keep personal possessions, as well as real estate, while paying into a debt consolidation system. This plan normally lasts from three to five years, in which you’ll be discharged from unsecured debt. Remember that if you even miss one payment that’s due under this plan, the court could dismiss the whole case.
You are not alone when you are debating filing for bankruptcy. When you handle it correctly, a bankruptcy can resolve a great number of your financial troubles and enable you to start turning your life around.